Neo exhibited a wide range of productsdeveloped with its proprietary technologies, including IS-III Active and IT-IIIActive, CMI concept implants, Sinus Kit (SCA, SLA, SA), Repair Solution (SR, FRKit), digital implant guide VAROGuide, and YK Link System. Visitors wereable to experience the superiority of Neo products at the booth.
In particular, Sinus Kit, which wasdeveloped for the first time in the industry and has been recognized for itshigh quality overseas, and VAROGuide, which allows users to create adigital guide and implant in just 30 minutes, attracted a lot of attention.In addition,the newly launched YK Link System is expected to be a revolutionarynext-generation prosthesis that surpasses the existing prosthesis system, as itallows the prosthetic to be removed and replaced without external cementationor screws, unlike the conventional implant prosthetic method.