Clinical Recommendatiom

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Through this symposium,numerous dentists from around the world gathered to share new insights and experiences.It also served as an opportunity to widely disseminate the AnyTime Loading concept.
In this symposium, a new format of the Clinical Recommendation session, which had not been seen in previous symposiums, was introduced.This session was conducted twice, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. All the presenters who participated in the lectures gathered together to discuss their conclusions and present claims based on scientific evidence.

These claims, serving as key messages, provided a significant opportunity for presenters to succinctly summarize the crucial points of their lectures. This session proved to be an important moment for consolidating and highlighting the essential parts of the symposium, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of the key messages conveyed by each presenter.
20 Years of Searching : The Key to Implant Success is AnyTime Loading

Dr. Youngku Heo

It is not true that all implants will be osseointegrated only by way of taking a long healing time. The main key factor for osseointegra-tion is immobilization of the implant during the healing time.

> Schnitman PA, Wöhrle PS, Rubenstein JE, DaSilva JD, Wang NH. Ten-year results for Brånemark implants immediately loadedwith fixed prostheses at implant placement. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1997 Jul-Aug;12(4):495-503. PMID: 9274078.
> Tarnow DP, Emtiaz S, Classi A. Immediate loading of threaded implants at stage 1 surgery in edentulous arches: Tenconsecutive case reports with 1- to 5-year data. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1997 May-June;12(3):319–24. PMID: 9197096

Two conditions are essential for Anytime Loading. First, insertion torque must achieve grater than 35N/cm in which level the micromotion could be prevented against any occlusal loads. Second,stability dip could be eliminated by changing the drilling/fixation protocol which could minimize bone damage.

> Heo YK, Kim NY, Kim JY, Kim CH, Kim JM. “8-year retrospective study on the SCA and SLA techniques, and sinus CMI fixationand loading protocols in the posterior maxilla (2016).” Minimally invasive sinus surgery —New implant treatment protocols forthe posterior maxilla. Edited by Global Academy of Osseointegration. Well Publishing. 2017.
> Schrott A, Riggi-Heiniger M, Maruo K, Gallucci GO. Implant loading protocols for partially edentulous patients with extended edentulous sites--a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2014:29 Suppl:239-55.doi:10.11607/jomi.2014suppl.g4.2. PMID: 24660201.

Redefining Loading Protocols : Unveiling the Potential of AnyTime Loading

Dr. Jeffery Platt

Neobiotech's refined osteotomy preparation, characterized by burs designed for passive fit, significantly increases the primary stability of the implant. This approach is especially crucial in the coronal avascular bone area, where it facilitates a high level of initial implant stability, essential for successful osseointegration.

> Schrott A, Riggi-Heiniger M, Maruo K, Gallucci GO. Implant loading protocols for partially edentulous patients with extendededentulous sites--a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2014:29 Suppl:239-55.doi:10.11607/jomi.2014suppl.g4.2. PMID: 24660201.
> Benic GI, Mir-Mari J, Hämmerle CHF. Loading protocols for single-implant crowns: a systematic review and meta-analysis. IntJ Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2014:29 Suppl:222-38. doi:10.11607/jomi.2014suppl.g4.1. PMID: 24660200.

The stability curve for implant placement has evolved significantly since the original Branemark protocol. With advancements such as Straumann's SLA Active surface and NeoBiotech's innovative designs,we now see a dramatic improvement in the ability of patients to receive restorations earlier. This shift not only follows but enhances the traditional stability curve by providing more reliable early loading options.

> Hsu YY, Huang HL, Fuh LJ, Tsai MT, Hsu JT. The Effects of Insertion Approach on the Stability of Dental Implants. Appl BionicsBiomech. 2002; 2022: 7188240. doi: 10.1155/2022/7188240. PMID: 35198039.
> Ostman PO, Hellman M, Sennerby L. Direct implant loading in the edentulous maxilla using a bone density-adapted surgicalprotocol and primary implant stability criteria for inclusion. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2005:7 Suppl 1:S60-9. doi:10.1111/j.1708-8208.2005.tb00076.x. PMID: 16137089.
> Benic GI, Mir-Mari J, Hämmerle CHF. Loading protocols for single-implant crowns: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int JOral Maxillofac Implants. 2014:29 Suppl:222-38. doi:10.11607/jomi.2014suppl.g4.1. PMID: 24660200.

Unraveling the Stability Dip : How to Eliminate Bone Trauma

Dr. Ricardo Alves

An atraumatic surgical technique is critical to reduce bone resorption.Heat generation during osteotomy varies according to the bone quality and osteotomy depth, among other factors. Excessive temperature(>47ºC for 1 minute) can cause hyperemia, cell degeneration, necrosis,increased osteolytic activity and fibrosis.Avoid excessive temperature increase by performing a interrupted sequential drilling using sharp burs and sufficient volume of cold saline solution. In cases of guided surgery, special care must be taken to ensure adequate access of the cooling solution to the osteotomy site.

> Eriksson AR, Albrektsson T, Albrektsson B. Heat caused by drilling cortical bone temperature measured in vivo in pateitnsand animals. Acta Orthop Scand 55, 629-631, 1984.
> Chauchan et al. 2018;Gehrke et al. 2020; Kniha et al. 2020; Chakraborty et al. 2023

High insertion torque does not guarantee successful osseointegration. Undersized osteotomy can increase primary stability in soft bone without major concerns, but in dense cortical bone undersized osteotomy can result in hight strains, microcracks and extensive bone resorption. High insertion torque can be detrimental for bone level stability. Cortical tapping/cortical drill are recommended in dense bone.

> Campos FEB, Jimbo R, Bonfante EA, Barbosa DZ, Oliveira MTF, Janal MN, Coelho PG. Are insertion torque and early osseointegration proportional? A histologic evaluation. Clin. Oral Impl. Res 26. 2015; 1256-1260. doi: 10.1111/clr.12448.
> Monje A, Ravida A, Wang HL, Helms JA, Brunski JB. Relationship Between Primary/Mechanical andSecondary/Biological Implant Stability. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2019; 34(supple)s7-s23. doi:10.11607/jomi.19suppl.g1.

Drilling and Placement Protocol for AnyTime Loading

Prof. Galaktion Makhviladze

The key aspects of “AnyTime Loading“ implant placement are the“Passive Placement” by tapping with cortical tap at compact bone and an “Active Placement” with self-compaction by undersized drilling in cancellous bone to achieve strong and unchangeable initial fixation of implant with optimal 30 Ncm- 40Ncm torque without stability dip.

> Nascimento LRXC, Torelly GM, Elias CN. Analysis of bone stress and primary stability of a dental implant using strain and torque measurements. Saudi Dental Journal (2023) 35, 263-269.
> Ryu HS, Namgung C, Heo YK, Lee JH, Lim YJ. Early loading of splinted implants supporting a two-unit fixed partial denture in the posterior maxilla: 13-month results from a randomized controlled clinical trial of two different implant systems.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 00, 2015, 1-9. doi:10.1111/clr.12667
> Cavallaro J, Greenstein B, Greenstein G. Clinical methodologies for achieving primary dental implant stability, The effects of alveolar bone density. JADA, Vol. 140. November 2009

The whole “AnyTime Loading” protocol is founded on phisiology with minimizing trauma and stress-free drilling and implant placement. To prevent bone trauma caused by overcompression, it is highly recommended always to use “Bone Tap” when compact bone structure is presented during the drilling procedure.

> Bashutski JD, Silva NJ, Wang HL. Implant Compression Necrosis: Current Understanding and Case Report. J Periodontal. April 2009;80:700-704. doi: 10.1902/jop.2009.080581.
> Baek YW, Lim YJ, Lee J, Koo KT, Kim MJ, Kwon HB. One-Year Results of a Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial of Immediately Loaded Short Implants Placed in the Lower Posterior Single Molar Using a Complete Digital Workflow. Applied Sciences. 2019, 9,1282; doi: 10.3390/app9071282.
> Kim JH, Yang JY, Kim YK, Heo YK, Yeo IS. Retrospective Results of Implants for Partially Edentulous Posterior Jaws According to Time Points of Early Loading . Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2013;28: 1293-1299. doi: 10.11607/jomi.2884.

Validation of No Stability Dip through Assessment of Total Stability Change

Dr. Mongkol Thaveeprungsiporn

With proper implant design – surface treatment – drilling protocol, we can achieve optimum primary stability of dental implant placement while avoiding excessive surgical bone trauma and implant compression necrosis. These lead us to plan any time loading of dental implant restorations by clinical validation of initial dental implant stability test with assessment device during the healing period.

> Huang Yu-Che, Huang Yen-Chang, Ding SJ. Primary stability of implant placement and loading related to dental implantmaterials and designs: A literature review. J Dent Sci. 2023 Oct; 18(4): 1467-1476. doi: 10.1016/j.jds.2023.06.010.
> Lim HK, Lee SJ, Jeong YJ, Ryu JJ, Shim JS, Song IS. Clinical Validation of Dental Implant Stability by Newly Designed DampingCapacity Assessment Device during the Healing Period. Medicina (Kaunas). 2012 Nov; 58(11): 1570. doi:10.3390/medicina58111570.

CMI Implant : Optimal Design For AnyTime Loading and All on X

Dr. Edgar Cabrera

In patients with severe bone atrophy the all on 4 - 6 concept using CMI fixation are strongly recommended especially for elderly-disabled patients to provide enabling immediate chewing function w/reduced number of implants and avoiding excess bone augmentation procedures. Primary stability is one of the most important parameters to the immediate loading of an implant is an important requirement for the long-term success of dental implants.

The immediate loading of dental implants restored by a full-arch splinted fixed prosthesis has shown excellent results. It has been proposed as a simpler, more predictable, less expensive, and less time-consuming method.

> De Oliveira D, Santos F, Avellar L, Martins A, Pereira T, De Oliveira F. Dental Implants With Immediate Loading Using Insertion Torque of 30 Ncm: A Systematic Review. Implant Dentistry 2016; 25, 5, 675-683. doi: 10.1097/ID.0000000000000444.
> Thomé E, Lee HJ, Sartori IA, Trevisan RL, Luiz J, Tiossi R. A randomized controlled trial comparing interim acrylic prostheses with and without cast metal base for immediate loading of dental implants in the edentulous mandible. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2015Dec; 26(12):1414-20. doi: 10.1111/clr.12470. PMID: 25238031
> Crespi R, Vinci R, Capparé P, Romanos GE, Gherlone E. A clinical study of edentulous patients rehabilitated according to the "all on four" immediate function protocol. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2012 Mar-Apr;27(2):428-34. PMID: 22442784

From Fixation to Function : Understanding CMI Fixation for Optimal Loading

Prof. Janghyun Paek

Implant stability is crucially dependent not only on the insertion torque but also on where this stability is derived along the length of the implant. It is imperative to assess whether the coronal, middle, or apical sections of the implant contribute to this stability. Accurately documenting these factors is instrumental in making informed decisions regarding optimal loading times and investigating potential causes of implant failure, thereby minimizing risk and improving patient outcomes.

For successful AnyTime Loading, C fixation is crucial due to its significant role in mitigating the impact of force and magnitude during lateral force applications. To ensure optimal outcomes,comprehensive fixation across the C, M, and I areas—or at least CM fixation—is necessary. This should be achieved with an insertion torque of 30-40N/cm and stability values above 70 IST, enabling reliable and durable implant loading.

> Lekholm U, Zarb G. Tissue-integrated prostheses : osseointegration in clinical dentistry. Quintessence. 1985.
> Ahn SJ, Leesungbok R, Lee SW, Heo YK, Kang KL. Differences in implant stability associated with various methods of preparation of the implant bed: an in vitro study. J Prosthet Dent, 2012. 107(6): p. 366-72.
> Lofaj F, Kučera J, Németh D, Kvetková L. Finite element analysis of stress distributions in mono- and bi-cortical dental Implants. Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl, 2015. 50:p. 85-96.

Navigating Prosthetic Design for Successful Esthetic AnyTime Loading

Dr. Marco Redemagni

In case of immediate post-extractive implant with immediate provisionalization, filling the buccal peri-implant to the alveolar bone gap with a biomaterial, grafting autologous connective tissue or a dermal matrix in the buccal area, and using a concave shift platform abutment, the root bump remains stable and the quantity of connective tissue around the implant components can be thicker,more stable, with adequate parabola and papillae, and less subject to recession.

> Mankoo T. Contemporary implant concepts in aesthetic dentistry-Part 2: immediate single tooth implants. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2004;16:61-68.
> Araujo MG, Sukekava F, Wennström JL, Lindhe J. Tissue modeling following implant placement in fresh extraction sockets. J Clin Oral Implants Res 2006;17:615-624.
> Garlini G, Cremonesi S. Soft tissue stability with immediate implants and concave abutments. European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry. 2009;4(4):328-37

The macrodesign and composition of the anatomical healing abutment or temporary prosthesis, along with CMI implants with stable CMI fixation, used during transmucosal contouring are crucial elements for establishing biologic and prosthetic conditions that minimize early bone remodeling, improve esthetic outcomes, and reduce the possibility for future peri-implant inflammation both in immediate placement and loading and in delayed, allowing for choosing AnyTime Loading.

> Pelekanos S, Vergoullis I. Clinical Advances in Implant Transmucosal Contouring for Single Implant Sites: Prosthetic and Biologic Considerations. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2023 May-Jun;43(3):301-310. doi: 10.11607/prd.6054. PMID: 37141082.
> Su H, Gonzalez-Martin O, Weisgold A, Lee E. Considerations of implant abutment and crown contour: critical contour and subcritical contour. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2010 Aug;30(4):335-43.

Mastering AnyTime Loading in the Sinus Area

Dr. Giuliano Garlini

The particular shape of the S reamer bur, combined with the powerful apex and the magic treads of the CMI active implants, are of great help in achieving primary stability in the sinus areas that can allow us to immediately load the implants or to insert the healing screws.

> Kim JH, Yang JY, Kim YK, Heo YK, Yeo SY. Restrospective results of implants for partially edentulous posterior jaws according to time points of early loading. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2013; 28:1293-1299.
> Ryu HS, Namgung C, Heo YE, Lee JH, Lim JS. Early loading of splinted implants supporting a two unit fixed partial denture in the posterior maxilla: 13 months results from a randomized controlled clinical trial of two different implant systems. Clin Oral Impl Res 2015, 00:1-9.
> Markanzi NA,, Akhondi N., Montazeri M. Long term results of immediate implantation in the maxillary molar area with simultaneous sinus floor elevation by the crestal approach and early loading protocol: a retrospective case series follow-up study. Journal of advanced Periodontology & Implant Dentistry. 2018; 10(2):68-76

The maxillary sinus elevation procedure using the SCA kit is faster and more convenient as other drilling methods used; the risk for perforation of the maxillary sinus membrane is reduced by using S-reamers compared to the osteotome technique.

> Kim YK, Lee JY, Park JW, Kim SG, Oh JS . Sinus Membrane Elevation by the Crestal Approach Using a Novel Drilling System. Implant Dentistry. 2017 Vol 26; 3: 351-356
> Zhou X, Hu XL, Li JH, Lin Y. Minimally Invasive Crestal Sinus Lift Technique and Simultaneous Implant Placement. Clin J. Dent Res. 2017;20(04): 211-218
> Garlini G, Perelli M, Fasano A, Daniele L, Redemagni M. Crestal maxillary sinus lift with rotating instruments and different grafting materials: results of 4 years follow up. Acta Dental Sciences Volume 4. Issue 11:27-35 2020

Successful AnyTime Loading on Fully Edentulous Jaw

Prof. Richard Leesungbok

In a completely edentulous patient with severe bone atrophy, the “All on-4” treatment concept in the mandible and the “All-on-6” concept in the maxilla using computer-aided implant surgery with Top-Down treatment planning and CMI fixation are strongly recommended especially for elderly-disabled patients to provide enabling immediate chewing function with reduced number of implants and avoiding excessive bone augmentation that increase treatment costs and risks for patients.

> Gomez-Polo M, Ortega R, Gomez-Polo C, Martin C, Celemin A, Del Rio J. Does length, diameter, or bone quality affect primary and secondary stability in self-tapping dental implants? J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016;74(7):1344-1353.
> Malo P, de Araujo NM, Lopes A, Ferro A, Gravito I. All-on-4® treatment concept for the rehabilitation of the completely edentulous mandible: a 7-year clinical and 5-year radiographic retrospective case series with risk assessment for implant failure and marginal bone level. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2015;17(2):531-541.

In All-on-X prostheses, we should highlight the significance of sufficient Anterior-Posterior spread and Tripod/Trapezoidal support in withstanding masticatory forces in full-arch fixed bridges, especially in managing distal/anterior cantilevers.

> Tallarico M, Meloni SM, Canullo L, Caneva M, Polizzi G. Five-year results of a randomized controlled trial comparing patients rehabilitated with immediately loaded maxillary cross-arch fixed dental prosthesis supported by four or six implants placed using guided surgery. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2016;18(5):965-972.
> Soto-Penaloza D, Zaragozi-Alonso R, Penarrocha-Diago M, Penarrocha-Diago M. The All-on-four treatment concept: systematic review. J Clin Exp Dent. 2017;9(3):474-488.

The Art of AnyTime Loading : Its Clinical Variety and Long-term Result

Dr. Youngku Heo

30-40Ncm insertion torque under maximum bone-implant contact area with physiologic pressure (Active contact for D3-D4 soft bone,Passive contact for D1-D2 hard bone) should be established to bear occlusal loads.

Load if there is no dip for 3-4 wks under the ideal CMI fixation and ISQV/ISTV reaches higher than 70. All implants should be splinted to prevent the micromotion.

> Heo YK, Kim NY, Kim JY, Kim CH, Kim JM. 8-year retrospective study on the SCA and SLA techniques, and sinus CMI fixation and loading protocols in the posterior maxilla. Minimally invasive sinus surgery - New implant treatment protocols for the posterior maxilla. Edited by Global Academy of Osseointegration. Well Publishing. 2017.