Neobiotech Joins ‘2023 ICD International Council Meeting and Joint Convocation’


Neobiotech participated as the exclusive sponsor in the international event '2023 ICD International Council Meeting and Joint Convocation' held at COEX in Seoul, South Korea from November 3rd to 5th.

The International College of Dentists (ICD), established in 1920, is the oldest and most prestigious global gathering of dental professionals, comprising over 12,000 members from 139 countries. It has evolved into a total of 16 sections, divided by the joining dates of various nations. Currently, there are approximately 170 members in the Korean Section 11.

The '2023 ICD International Council Meeting and Joint Convocation', the annual ICD world congress, is jointly organized by ICD International Headquarters and ICD Korea Section, with CEO Young-ku Heo of Neobiotech serving as the Vice Chairman of ICD Korea Section. The event is exclusively sponsored by Neobiotech.

The 2023 ICD International Council Meeting, which was attended by more than 40 ICD international councilors along with their spouses, added luster to the event. It featured discussions on current issues and challenges in the field of dentistry, strategic direction planning, and enhancing international cooperation, covering various topics. This gathering provided a platform for dentists from around the world to exchange information and collaborate.

Additionally, the Joint Convocation commemorated the induction of new members from three countries, including Korea, Japan, and Taiwan, with the participation of over 200 attendees.

It was an important event where new members promised to be dedicated to ICD's values and responsibilities and renewed their commitment to working together internationally in dentistry.

Especially on the final day of the event, which was the 5th, ICD members were invited to Neobiotech's Wonju headquarters for a dinner event, creating a special time. Members had the chance to explore Neobiotech's state-of-the-art automated production facilities, factory equipment, and exhibition halls at the Wonju headquarters. In addition, during the evening dinner and networking event, they enjoyed a Korean entertainment performance, bringing joy to the occasion.

Neobiotech's CEO, Young-Ku Heo, who serves as the Vice Chairman of ICD Korea Section, expressed, "It's an honor to contribute to an ICD international event held in Korea. I will continue to make efforts in various ways for the advancement of K-Dental."

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