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Accurate Guided Surgery VAROGuide assures high accuracy and predictability of guided surgery for long-term success.

You can find more solutions for various clinical cases at GAO





Cinical Case 1

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One-visit digital surgery using VAROGuide

One-visit digital surgery using VAROGuide

Autogenous bone grafting using ACM Drill

Autogenous bone grafting using ACM Drill

Immediate placement and loading on #22 using VARO Guide

Immediate placement and loading on #22 using VARO Guide

Cinical Case2

Immediate loading in the maxillary anterior region using VARO Guide

Immediate loading in the maxillary anterior region using VARO Guide

Implant placement on #47 using VARO Guide just in 10 minutes

Implant placement on #47 using VARO Guide just in 10 minutes

Immediate placement and loading of implant in the mandibular anterior region using VARO Guide

Immediate placement and loading of implant in the mandibular anterior region using VARO Guide