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Reusable Implant brush for treating peri-implantitis

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Clinical case

Treatment of peri-implantitis by mechanical cleansing using I-brush II & T-brush

Pre-operative Panorama

Pre-operative Panorama

T-brush (2,000~20,000rpm)

T-brush (2,000~20,000rpm)

T brushing is only recommended for contaminated 1 to 3 threads, as it takes 3 minutes.

T brushing is only recommended for contaminated 1 to 3 threads, as it takes 3 minutes.

Noncircumferential defect was cleaned with an T-brush for 3 minutes each thread.

Noncircumferential defect was cleaned with an T-brush for 3 minutes each thread.

After the treatment

After the treatment

Periapical radiograph

Periapical radiograph